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Preparing for your Hilti Interview

Our interview process is a two-way street. It is not just about us evaluating you as a candidate, but also you assessing whether our company and the opportunity align with your career goals and aspirations.

Steps to get you started


What to expect

Interviews will be a mixture of questions and discussions about your experience and background.

Why Hilti?” is a common question. We want to understand what inspired you to explore an opportunity with us, so we can get a better sense of who you are.

All interviewers will assess your potential for growth beyond the position you’re interviewing for. They'll evaluate how well your background and skills meet core competencies, along with how they relate to our Hilti culture. Our hiring and development process is focused on your strengths and potential, rather than simply past achievements.

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Understand Yourself

What do you do well and enjoy? During our selection process we want to explore your strengths and how they can be leveraged in different roles where your interests lie.

Explore your potential. Which of your qualities would you like to develop further? What new skills would you like to learn? This will help you and us to build a baseline for ongoing development conversations throughout the year.

What values are important to you? We are interested to know what you stand for and if your actions align with our core values.

Our Interview Style

While we will assess your functional expertise, we will also ask you behavioral questions as we aim to gather real-life examples from your past experience to gain insight into your unique skills, values and personality traits. Structuring your answers following the CAR method technique, will help you to create structured, concise and engaging responses.

Here’s a more in depth look into the components of the CAR interview technique and valuable tips:

  • Context. Provide context to help us understand the complexity of the situation. Ideally you provide background information without being overloaded with unnecessary details.
  • Action. Explain the steps you took toward reaching your goal, pinpoint your exact contributions.
  • Result. Tell us the outcome of the situation, how your actions directly impacted this outcome and what you learned. Feel free to bring in numbers and data if applicable.

It’s helpful to learn to recognize behavioral questions when they come up during the interview by listening for phrases like, “Tell me about a time when,” or “How have you handled,” followed by the scenario that we want to know more about.

Our Commitment - Find a Way to Embed Sustainability

We deliver innovative construction solutions that are safe and sustainable. At Hilti, we are building a better future through an ongoing commitment to the environment, our people and society.

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Interview Tips

There can be a lot of uncertainty and anxiety around interviewing - this is a big moment for the both of us! We've compiled a list of tips to help those pre-interview jitters, check it out below!

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Final Thoughts